Bolden Elementary Middle School Teachers Learn During A Successful Continuous School Improvement Day

Teachers participated in continuous school improvement (CSI) training.

Oct 15, 2024
CSI 2024 5

Teachers at Bolden Elementary Middle School recently dedicated a day to Continuous School Improvement (CSI), engaging in a series of enriching workshops designed to enhance their instructional techniques. The professional development day focused on differentiating instruction to better meet the needs of students and keep them actively engaged in their learning.

Throughout the CSI Day, teachers participated in workshops that emphasized the importance of tailoring content, process, and product in their teaching. By differentiating content, educators learned innovative ways to present information that caters to various learning styles. The process workshops provided strategies for varying instructional methods, ensuring that all students could effectively grasp the material. Additionally, the product sessions offered insights into allowing students to demonstrate their understanding.

This initiative is part of Bolden Elementary Middle School’s ongoing commitment to continuous improvement and excellence in education. The teachers left the CSI Day with new strategies and a renewed dedication to fostering an engaging learning environment for all students.

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