The Bolden Bugle Newsletter

Volume 2- Fall 2024, September 27, 2024
September 26, 2024
A note from the principal

Bolden Parents,
A few weeks ago, you received a mid-quarter progress report indicating your child’s grades for the first 6 weeks. I encourage you to speak with your child’s teacher if you have any concerns or questions regarding your child’s progress.

I wanted to remind you that report cards will be sent out on October 11th and Parent-Teacher conferences are on October 11th and 15th! Be on the lookout for your teacher's conference invitation. We look forward to meeting with you! 
Dr. Angela Stephens

Upcoming Events

TIMES and LOCATIONS are Tentative

September 27- Professional Learning Day CCR Q1: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS 

September 30-October 4-PTO Fall Book Fair 

October 1- Book Fair Family Night 3:30-6:00 pm 

October 1- AVID Signing Day 5:00 pm 

October 1- Cross Country @ Holy Trinity 5:00 pm 

October 3- Volleyball @ Home vs. Bridges Prep 4:30 pm

October 7- Last Day of Q1 

October 8- PTO Meeting 8:15 am 

October 8- Fire Prevention Week Event at School

October 8- Early Release Day 2:15 Dismissal 

October 8- Volleyball @ Hilton Head Prep 4:00 pm 

October 8- Cross Country @ Complete Student 5:00 pm 

October 9- Teacher Workday/Report Card Prep: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS 

October 10- Teacher Training Day: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS 

October 11- Parent Teacher Conferences/Q1 Report Cards Issued: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS 

October 14- Columbus Day HolidayNO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS 

October 15- Cross Country @ 1620 Red Dam Road Hardeeville 

October 15- Parent Teacher Conferences/Q1 Report Cards Issued: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS 

October 16- Unity Day Pep Assembly 2:00 

October 17-Volleyball @ Home vs. LMS 4:30 pm 

October 18- Fall Picture Day 

October 18- Trunk or Treat 5:00-7:00 pm at Elliott Parking 

Hispanic Heritage Month 2024

Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, celebrating the histories, cultures, and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.
This year’s theme is: “Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future Together.”
The observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson. It was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover 30 days beginning on September 15 and ending on October 15. It was enacted into law on August 17, 1988, on the approval of Public Law 100-402.
September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September 18, respectively. Also, Columbus Day, or Día de la Raza, which is October 12, falls within these 30 days. 
Hispanic Americans have been integral to the prosperity of the U.S. Their contributions to the nation are immeasurable, and they embody the best of American values. The Hispanic-American community has left an indelible mark on the U.S. culture and economy.

Book Fair Save the Date

The book fair is coming soon!!!! Bolden’s book fair week is September 30th through October 4th during your students' lunch period. There will be a chance for your student(s) to preview the book fair during their class period on Monday, September 30th. They will be able to make their wish lists during that time. The book fair will be open after school on Tuesday, October 1st from 3:30-6:00 pm for parents to shop with their students. We look forward to seeing some Eagle readers at the book fair!!!

SPED Corner Logo

The Exceptional Family Military Program (EFMP) is a service that is available to support students who receive special education services or 504 accommodations and their families. The EFMP supports exceptional family members and families to ensure the access and availability to medical and educational services. The contact number for EFMP is 843-228-EFMP (3367). Learn more at

Trunk or Treat 2024

Our school has a Child and Youth Behavioral Military & Family Life Counselor.
Ms. Tiffany Holland is at the school daily to work with military children
and their families. She is available to assist with communication, self–esteem/self-confidence,
resolving conflicts, behavioral management techniques, bullying, angry
feelings, sibling/parental relationships, and deployment and reintegration issues. If
you would like to authorize your child to talk with Ms. Tiffany, please fill out the parental
permission slip available in the front office.

Student Contact Information

Please notify the office if you have any new phone numbers (home, work, cell), or if you no longer use a number previously
listed with the school. It is important to us that your child’s contact information is current for their teachers, school nurse, and principal.
We also want to ensure that you receive all messages sent to Bolden families through the Everbridge notification system.

Important School Information

Front Office Information

A New Front Office Email Address

We are pleased to announce that a new email address has been
established to facilitate communication between families and
the school. The email address is

This email will serve as the primary channel for parents and sponsor to communicate
attendance-related matters, including notifying us when a
student will be absent for the day or if there are emergency
dismissal changes.
Important Points:
Email Address: Please use the provided email address
( when sending attendance
notes or dismissal change requests. It is crucial that both the
child’s homeroom teacher and the front office receive your

Dismissal Changes: To ensure safety and security, we will
not accept dismissal changes after 2:30 p.m. If you need to
make any permanent transportation or dismissal changes,
please complete the required form. You can obtain the form
by visiting the school front office or requesting it to be sent
Email Format for Dismissal Changes: When emailing a
dismissal change, please include the following details:
* Child’s full name
* Your name (parent/sponsor)
* Homeroom teacher’s name
* Specific dismissal changes for that day
Classroom Questions and Concerns: While this email
address is primarily for attendance and dismissal matters, if
you have specific classroom-related questions or concerns, we
encourage you to directly email the teacher responsible for
your child’s class. Thank you for your cooperation, and we
look forward to maintaining effective communication with our
school community.

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School Hours

Regular Hours Tuesday Hours
School Hours 8:10 am - 3:20 pm 8:10 am - 2:15 pm

Every 2nd Tuesday of the month are Early Release days.

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