Bolden Elementary Middle School 8th Graders Create Inspiring “1 Second Everyday” Videos

1 Second Everyday Video diaries and "The Diary of Anne Frank"

Eric Shawn Cauthen
May 09, 2024
virtual classroom visit 1 Second Everyday

Bolden Elementary Middle School’s 8th Grade students had a virtual conference in ELA Class about their Unit Performance Assessment (UPA). The students took inspiration from The Diary of Anne Frank to create their own “1 Second Everyday” videos. Students recorded a one second video every day and chronologically edited the videos to create one film that documented their lives over 60 days. The project was led by Dr. Amber Groff, ELA ISS, Ms. Jenny Hall, ET ISS and Ms. Shunta Carter-Lacey for a unit of study about The Diary of Anne Frank. The videos were Unit Performance Assessments for this unit of study. 

Gallery of Virtual Classroom Visit by Dr. Groff, ELA ISS and Ms. Hall, District ET.
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