DoD Instruction 5400.17
Certain content has been removed from this website to align with President Trump’s Executive Orders and DoD priorities in accordance with DoD Instruction 5400.17, “Official Use of Social Media for Public Affairs Purposes."
Certain content has been removed from this website to align with President Trump’s Executive Orders and DoD priorities in accordance with DoD Instruction 5400.17, “Official Use of Social Media for Public Affairs Purposes."
We are pleased to announce that a new email address has been
established to facilitate communication between families and
the school. The email address is
This email will serve as the primary channel for parents and sponsor to communicate
attendance-related matters, including notifying us when a
student will be absent for the day or if there are emergency
dismissal changes.
Important Points:
Email Address: Please use the provided email address
( when sending attendance
notes or dismissal change requests. It is crucial that both the
child’s homeroom teacher and the front office receive your
Dismissal Changes: To ensure safety and security, we will
not accept dismissal changes after 2:30 p.m. If you need to
make any permanent transportation or dismissal changes,
please complete the required form. You can obtain the form
by visiting the school front office or requesting it to be sent
Email Format for Dismissal Changes: When emailing a
dismissal change, please include the following details:
* Child’s full name
* Your name (parent/sponsor)
* Homeroom teacher’s name
* Specific dismissal changes for that day
Classroom Questions and Concerns: While this email
address is primarily for attendance and dismissal matters, if
you have specific classroom-related questions or concerns, we
encourage you to directly email the teacher responsible for
your child’s class. Thank you for your cooperation, and we
look forward to maintaining effective communication with our
school community.
Bolden parents need to complete a re-registration for each currently enrolled 3rd-7th grade student. During re-registration, parents will indicate whether their student will be withdrawing or returning for school year 2023-2024. Parents will be able to update student/contact information in the DoDEA SIS Family Portal.
Please see Parent Portal Registration PDF link below for directions on how to complete re-registration for your student(s).
For questions, please email or call 843-466-7100.
Attachment | Size |
Parent Portal Instructions (166.93 KB) | 166.93 KB |
As the temperature gets warmer, children are spending an increased amount of time outdoors and engaging in different activities. Keeping safe during all activities remains important!
If you have questions or concerns, contact:
Nurse Navarro: Phone # 843-466-7061
We're getting close to the end of the school year, so if your children have Bolden Library books at home please return them. All books are due back to the library by Tuesday, May 20, 2024. Please check through closets, drawers, under beds and shelves or any other places that a book could be placed. No matter what condition the book is in please return it as we need the barcode label to account for the book.Thank you for your cooperation!
For your child to be eligible to attend Laurel Bay Schools you must be residing in base housing when the school year starts. Every Laurel Bay students eligibil- ity to attend is verified at the beginning of each school year with Tri-Command Housing. If your child has started the school year and is found ineligible, your child will be dis-enrolled.
If you move to another house on base you must provide the office with a copy of your new lease agreement. If you move off base during the school year, your child will be able to finish out the year but will not be eligi- ble to attend Laurel Bay Schools the following year.
Our registrar will be verifying ID cards and orders throughout the summer. Please provide updated documentation for your child’s registration file upon request. If you have any questions concerning eligibility please contact Bolden at 843-466-7100.
This program is a benefit funded by the DOD for ALL DODEA students around the world. They provide personalized educational support from subject matter experts at NO COST, on- demand and 24/7, from any internet- connected computer or mobile device. Military students can get one-to-one help in 160+ sub- jects in a secure, anonymous online environment, “drop-off essays for review with a turna- round time of less than 12 hours, receive assistance in study skills, and access preparation materials for tests like ACT and SAT.
For a complete list of subjects, additional information and registration please visit:
Summertime! For some kids, that means little league, play groups, swim lessons, camping, summer school, dance class and many other activities. But all of those structured activities may be doing more harm than good. All kids need unstructured playtime during the summer, in part, to help with their emotional and physical development. In fact, a lack of unstructured playtime might be the reason today's young adults have trouble with problem-solving or critical thinking. Encourage your child to put down the electronics and try to strike a balance between structured activities and plain old-fashioned (supervised) playtime!
The lost and found is located in our cafeteria. All of the items will be removed from the building and
donated after the last day of school on June 4th.
With the end of the school year fast approaching, please make sure your child's account is paid up and there’s enough money in the account to get them through the remainder of the school year. If you’re sending payments in, please make sure it’s in an envelope with your child's name, teacher’s name, and the amount you want applied to the account. If you have an online account, you can make payments at .
Thank you for a wonderful school year.
We look forward to serving you in the 2025-2025 school year.